With the development of technology, a brand new future awaits us. All technology products are used to create and build this future. The use of technology products in every aspect of people's lives also reflects on their cultures and even their behaviors. People evolve and change to adapt to technology. New areas emerge from this development and change. Brand new professions are emerging in order to train people suitable for the fields and to develop new products. Nanotechnology Engineering is the first of these professions, which are considered as the professions of the future and blended with technology. In our article, we give information about the profession of Nanotechnology Engineering!
What is Nanotechnology Engineering?
When asked what is Nanotechnology Engineering, the first thing that comes to mind is the smallest building blocks of matter. Nanotechnology is a science that covers studies with atomic structures. It works with structures that are described as nano and micro. In particular, it includes many areas such as cellular storage and replacement, creating electronic parts. The engineering pillar of this branch of science is to carry out studies on atomic structures and to create projects.
Nanotechnology Engineering, which is seen as a field that can be preferred by people who are especially interested in chemistry, has to be successful in many fields such as computer programming, industrial products and materials, and nanomaterials. In other words, it has the aim of creating a new product by working with very small materials. It can also provide employment in the health sector, especially since it is an area where DNA is also studied.
So much so that to be an expert in this field, it is necessary to have knowledge about Nanoscience and Materials science. It is seen that they find a place for themselves in many sectors, especially in the automotive and electronics sector. Nanoscience, which is encountered in many fields, is also known as a needed field, especially when blended with Materials science.
What are the Employment Areas?
The field of employment in the government, industry and private sector is quite wide. For example, it is possible for them to work at TUBITAK. The profession, which has many employment areas, has responsibilities such as quality control, management, material supply, cost analysis, design and production. In addition to these responsibilities, the fact that they are responsible, planned, organized and disciplined individuals related to concepts such as atom and engineering can provide positive feedback in the sector. The field studied in electronics and optics has many products. It seems that there is a field of work from cosmetics to the health sector.
What Training Is Required To Work In The Field Of Nanotechnology Engineering?
To become a Nanotechnology Engineer, it is necessary to graduate from the Department of Nanotechnology Engineering. In the four-year undergraduate education, there are courses such as computer programming, mathematics, Materials Science, Nanoscience and Chemical Theories in Engineering, Linear Algebra, Industrial Materials and Production Processes, Laboratory, Differential Equations, Transport Mechanisms Laboratory, Nanomaterials and Production Methods. At the same time, when the department is preferred, courses such as Introduction to Nanotechnology, biogenetics, solid state physics, and biomaterials are also available.
Which University Has Education?
Under the name of the Department of Materials Science and Nanotechnology Engineering, education is given at three universities, namely TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Yeditepe University and Uşak University. Sivas Cumhuriyet University provides education only for those who want to choose Nanotechnology Engineering.
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