According to information released by an app researcher, Google is working on the Chrome browser to make it even better for its users.
RAM usage without any correct calculation is the biggest problem for various browsers. Therefore, Google is trying to solve this problem and capture a broad target market. According to the latest news, Google is working on Google Chrome's performance metrics.
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Will Google Eliminate Chrome RAM Consumption Problem?
Now, with the latest updates, users will be able to track their RAM usage and battery usage according to the different applications they use in Google Chrome. Alongside its main competitor Microsoft Edge, Chrome will display the exact amount of RAM and battery health used by any of the websites running.
In updated versions of Google Chrome, users will be able to see a button in their browser that indicates the amount of memory used by a particular website/tabs. This will help users effectively understand which apps are consuming excessive amounts of RAM and which apps to use at what time.
Currently, the following features and updates are in progress for Google Chrome. It is said to aim to provide a better, more effective and more efficient user experience apart from its competitors such as Google, Microsoft Edge and Opera Browsers.
The updates are still missing a few features as per reports. In the final version after release, users will be able to toggle memory savers on the various pages they use. With this comprehensive feature, it will be an added comfort for many users as it will increase their productivity chances.
Also, according to some sources, Google will work on the best efficiency modes and energy-consumption metrics that will serve as an additional comfort and productive space for a large number of users.
As a result, tech giant Google is trying to capture a targeted market that has a better competitive advantage over many other competitors through these launches. With high hopes and this 'RAM Saving Strategy', Google is aiming for better market position and customer equity.
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